These fixtures designed for handling very tinny components and have trays are wire mesh racks that can be easily removed without dismantling the entire setup.
These fixtures are designed to be accommodate the specific shape and size of the four wheelers speed and fix gears in light weight lost wax casting and utilize the self-interlocking features. The gears are securely held in place without touching each other. It’s important that to prevent any damage or interference between the gears during the process.
The fixtures are designed to be accommodate the specific shape and size of the four wheelers primary and secondary shaft in light weight lost wax casting. The shafts are securely held in place without touching each other.
The specific design and configuration of the wire mesh basket can vary depending on the requirements of the components being handled. The size and shape of the mesh openings can be customized to accommodate different part geometries and prevent parts from falling through or getting entangled. The basket may also include handles or lifting mechanisms for ease of transport and handling.
The cast basket with wire mesh is a versatile solution that allows for efficient loading, unloading, and processing of various small to medium-sized components.
The fixture typically consists of a gear rack with crossbars or slots that are strategically positioned to hold each individual clutch plate.
The specific design and configuration of the basket model fixture will depend on the types of gears being handled.